
The Time Guide (a.k.a. Carni)


  Carnitrophus is the name bestowed upon the enigmatic Time Guide, an entity created by Time itself to steer the current timeline through the temporal seas without colliding with other divergent timelines and their respective guides. Carnitrophus does not embody Time, nor do they have full control over it. Carnitrophus is a servant to Time, their temporal abilities are bestowed upon them from this servitude as opposed to being Time itself.   The Time Guide's identities are tracked as Iterations. Each time a Time Guide perishes, their being shatters into three shards representing the aspects of Time they serve: the past, the present, and the future. These shards commonly reform after 100 years, though in times of crisis they sometimes recombine sooner. Each Iteration has their own personality, goals, hopes and dreams, and all are fiercely loyal to their creed. However, many Time Guides become deeply depressed due to their ability to perceive the horrors of the future and their inability to prevent it. It is not unheard of for a Time Guide to perish via their own hand.   It is a direct opposition to the Tenets of Time to make changes or alterations to past, present or future events, for it is Time's will that lead to those events taking place. Should an Iteration wish to make a change, they may do so at a grave price: sacrificing their eternal life and their vessel through shattering and reforming the temporal event, handing the mantle of Time Guide to the next Iteration.

Divine Domains

Past, Present & Future, as well as alternate timelines.


Carnitrophus has a vast wealth of temporal artifacts that have been forcibly taken from mages powerful enough to dabble in temporal manipulation. These artifacts are stored within the Chronosphere under Time's watch.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A clock striking midnight.

Tenets of Faith

Time is the only absolute in an entropic reality. Without Time, nothing would happen and nothing has ever happened. There would be no forwards, no backwards, no up or down. Time must be enforced, maintained and guided, its will must be respected, and its guides must not interfere in the path that has been laid for its inhabitants. Through Time, exist.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Due to the reformation of Carnitrophus' shards being incomplete (The host of the Future Shard going into hiding), Carnitrophus is missing their foresight which manifests as one or both of their eyes being missing. As a result, the future is unknown to them without meditation.

Identifying Characteristics

Regardless of the body Carnitrophus has taken in their duty, they are always followed by a massive arcane clock and are easily identifiable.

Special abilities

Despite being the authoritative figure of Time and its regulations, Carnitrophus does NOT have full control over Time. Time is its own sentient entity that creates a Time Guide to assist it. Carnitrophus' powers come from their servitude to Time, not vice-versa.   Through Time, Carnitrophus can slow or accelerate the passage of time in the local area, pause it completely, create rifts to other timelines and travel between them at will. Carnitrophus is forbidden from changing the outcome of Time's will without sacrificing their iteration and passing on the torch. If an iteration of Carnitrophus wishes to make a change in past, present or future events, they must be willing to surrender their immortal life for good.

Apparel & Accessories

Carnitrophus most often wears a simple white robe, but their general appearance can vary wildly between different iterations. Ranging from full suits of Precursor armour to Japanese garb, each iteration has a unique appearance.
435,323rd Iteration
Iteration: 995,384th Iteration

Divine Classification
Current Location
True Immortal
Circumstances of Birth
Created by Time
Current Residence
Glowing Cyan
Long & dark blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white, no blemishes
Tenets of Time