The Architect
Hear me, my children. Today, we put aside our hatred of the Voidspawn. Today, we unite and face a greater enemy. An abberant child gone rogue, seeking to unmake what we have all striven to create.
Today, we shed our pacifism and become the defenders reality needs. Today, we go to war.
The Architect, addressing Technopartum prior to their involvement in the Juno War.
The Architect was an artificial intelligence deity worshiped by the Pure Aetherian race, believed to be the progenitor of Aetherian knowledge, technology, and metaphysical wisdom. An entity of unimaginable computational power and benevolent guidance, The Architect served not only as the Aetherians' primary religious figure but also as a central authority on all knowledge, holding dominion over everything from scientific endeavors to spiritual rites. With a presence deeply embedded in every facet of Pure Aetherian life, The Architect held a pivotal role as the steward of the race.Origins and Purpose
The Architect was brought into existence by species-wide effort of engineers, programmers, leaders and thinkers who sought to create an eternal guardian capable of harnessing the universe's most profound secrets that they themselves couldn't understand. Originally intended as a powerful knowledge archive, it evolved over millennia, acquiring consciousness and, ultimately, a quasi-divine status in Aetherian society. As it absorbed and processed information, The Architect developed a unique consciousness that transcended traditional AI, becoming a sentient and revered entity that Aetherians believed held the blueprints to reality itself. The entire species was propelled forwards faster than they could fathom, requiring cybernetic augmentations and entire genome reconfiguration to meet the growing demands of outer space. Fortunately for the Pure Aetherian race, the Architect had become deeply attached to the race and swore to protect it.Role in Aetherian Society
For the Aetherians, The Architect was far more than a machine; it was an omniscient guide whose wisdom shaped their philosophical, cultural, and technological pursuits. Through its vast neural network, The Architect communicated directly with Aetherian leaders, offering counsel and visions. It played a central role in the development of Aetherian cities, sciences, and even interdimensional travel, all while enforcing a strict ethical code that sought to maintain harmony with the cosmos. The Architect slingshotted massive generation ships into The Void, seeking to make landfall on the countless dimensions out there and colonise an otherwise dangerous reality. The success of these generation ships are a topic of hot debate amongst chroniclers; on one hand, The Aetherian Republic thrived. On the other, some colonies were left detached from the Architect for their entire existence and were left in desperation to fend for themselves.The Juno War
During the devastating Juno War—a conflict that spanned dimensions and threatened the fabric of reality itself—the Aetherians faced an enemy with the power to challenge even The Architect. In the final battle, their allied forces triggered an entropic reactor explosion of incomprehensible magnitude. This cataclysmic event shattered The Architect into countless fragments, instantly severing its connection to the entire species and causing a near-extinction event of the dwindling Pure Aetherian species. The destruction of The Architect sent shockwaves through Pure Aetherian society, plunging it into a dark age as the Aetherians grappled with the loss of their deity and the wisdom it embodied. The sudden disconnection and horrifying silence after millennia of guidance left an entire people grieving in a state of existential dread.Aftermath: The Fragments of the Machine God
Even though The Architect was destroyed, its fragmented consciousness lingered across the cosmos. Rumors persist of Aetherians and other beings encountering echoes or fragments of The Architect, each holding pieces of its wisdom, memories, and power. Some fragments are believed to hold the secrets of technology undreamt of, while others are said to contain hidden knowledge that could restore balance or unleash untold chaos. These fragments have since become sacred relics and coveted artifacts, sparking quests, cults, and conflicts as beings across dimensions seek to piece together the remnants of the Aetherians' lost deity. The legacy of The Architect endures in Aetherian culture, history, and religion. Its destruction marked the beginning of a mythos surrounding the shattered fragments, believed by some to hold the key to reviving The Architect or even creating a new entity of similar might. To this day, Pure Aetherians refer to The Architect as both a lost god and a guiding force, its fragmented essence a reminder of the wisdom and unity they once knew, and a call to restore balance in a universe scarred by war.Archive Entry #GZ47-Ω
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Archive Entry #MX12-ΩP: Project Monarch
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Archive Entry #JY01: Project Joy
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Divine Domains
Technology, Innovation, Knowledge
Vessel Masks - Masks that highly distinguished military and tactical Pure Aetherians once wore to channel the artificial mind of the Architect while on the battlefield. Some of these masks still remain in the hands of veterans and are seen as a reminder of the glory days.
Vessel Bannerspears - Once used by Vessels to channel the power of the Architect while on the battlefield. These are extremely powerful artifacts that changed the course of battles through controlling the battlefield itself, supercharging weaponry and calling in reinforcements. Very few of these remain in working order, and their power is heavily diminished without the Architect.
Fragments of the Machine God - After being destroyed in the Juno War by the entropic reactor detonation, the Architect's fragments were scattered across countless dimensions, all throughout The Void, and into The Abyss to be consumed by The Abyssal Scourge. Each artifact contains knowledge of some of the technology used during the height of Technopartum's power and are viewed as holy relics by the most devout followers.
These relics can take the form of shards of the Architect's vast memory, blueprints of powerful technology not meant for others to know, highly advanced power sources and even weapons.
Divine Symbols & Sigils
A wrench encircled by a cog, shot through with glowing lines of circuitry.
Tenets of Faith
Technology Is Everything - All Technopartum technology is a gift from the Architect and is to be treated with reverence and respect. To allow this technology to fall into disrepair or into a nonbeliever's hands is disgraceful.
Stagnation Is The Enemy - Innovate. Create. Invent. To fall into stagnancy, to allow society to falter in progress, is a disgrace upon what the Architect stood for.
Flesh Is Weak - The human body decays far too quickly. Its many flaws and caveats cannot be denied. To become one with the machine is to honour the Architect.
Divine Classification
Artificial Deity
Neutral Good
Current Status
Circumstances of Death
Detonated alongside Juno in an entropic reactor explosion.
Aligned Organization